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Vic Richards Bodybuilder
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Vic Richards PictureVictor Richards was born in Nigeria in 1964 and has been called the Original Nigerian Nightmare by many. Joe Weider saw the potential in Vic many years ago and when he started training with the famous Barbarian Brothers, Peter and David Paul at the famous Gold�s Gym at Venice beach he got seen by many as the next Mr. Olympia. But this was never seen because he refused to compete.
The reason why Victor refuses to compete even though it looks like he could take the professional bodybuilding community by storm is rather simple. He simply believes that when building correctly your physique should build with the objective of reaching the best potential you have and not deliberately manipulating your physique so that you can please the judges.
In his own words he tells the story of how many bodybuilder friends he has lost to steroids. He says "I believe that some professionals have met untimely deaths through the unrealistic pursuit of perfection, trying to attain the kind of physique expected from them by the bodybuilding judges. In the other words, some bodybuilders have become the trophy to the bodybuilding establishment while in pursuit of the trophy, and not the other way around".
Height = Five Foot and Ten Inches Tall
Weight = Three Hundred and Thrity PoundsBodybuilding titles won:
1983 Teen Los Angeles
1984 California Gold Cup Classic
1989 Mr. Barbados
1992 Nigerian Championships
Vic Richards Workout
The training routine that Vic follows is extremely non-specific and could easily be called instinctive training as he does not count the sets that he does for any movement that he selects. Vic says that he built the enormous size of his body by using the conventional 6-8 reps and would always try to shorten the rest period between sets.
Nutritionist�s that have examined the enormous strain that a highly intense workout would put on a big man like that insist that the only way that he could repair correctly before the next onslaught is by eating plenty of carbohydrates all the time. This is something that Vic freely admits to and says "I eat as much as I can of brown rice, oatmeal, eggs and cassava. I like a lot of chicken breasts and eggs, sometimes 60 egg whites in a day, sometimes 10-15 chicken breasts." This is no ordinary diet and one thinks of the old bodybuilding slogan "If you wanna get big you gotta eat big."
Note: For information on volume training for natural bodybuilders checkout Muscle Express Training.
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